What I can help you do

• Help you to identify the possessions that give you joy

• Create storage that is organised and aesthetic

• Create a filing system for you that is accessible and efficient.

• Learn a simple way of folding and enjoy wearing your full wardrobe

• Work with your teenager to design a room that meets their needs

My sensitive approach

I understand that decluttering can be hard work emotionally. (I’m a former social worker with lots of experience supporting people in difficult situations.) It isn’t as simple as ‘throwing things away’. So, my sensitive approach will motivate you to make decisions.

Why Nikki can help you

• I have an eye for space and can visualise what’s possible

• I look at your home holistically, as a system that needs to flow

• I work with the principles of the Marie Kondo method

• I have clever furniture tips and smart storage tricks.

Why Nikki?

• I will look at your home holistically as a system

• I have an eye for space and seeing what’s possible

• I have smart storage tips and clever furniture tricks.

Client Reviews

Get In Touch

Call Nikki to discuss your situation on: 07979 693931

Or you can fill out the enquiry form below.
